Hi....no, I haven't fallen off the grid or anything. Ben and I landed July 30 in Davao and it feels like I've been busy ever since.
Ben, Mikayla, and I left Davao the beginning of June and spent 8 weeks in the USA. Mikayla is staying in the USA and brought her cat with her.
Ben, Mikayla, Kirsten, and I had a great summer in the USA.
to shop easy, to not be hot and sweaty all the time.
Ben learned to drive
We toured Boston with my sisters in June,
went to a family reunion in Wisconsin in July,
and had time with friends and family. There are to many pictures to share but here are a few....
It was hard to say "see you later" to the girls.
But Ben and I boarded our plan and headed back to Davao.
In the meantime, Kurt and I have been spending time in the USA to help our daughters transition from the Philippine culture to the USA culture. It's a huge shift - 3rd world to 1st world. I spent 5 months in the USA in 2016. Kurt spent 2 months earlier this year, and Ben and I spent 2 months over the summer.
For Ben, it was his first time back to the USA since he was 7 years old. He loved all the opportunities he had to fly drones, shoot guns, learn to weld, drive tractor and lawn mower and four wheeler, and see places like Boston, Ludington, Wisconsin.
It's amazing to me how many families I've run in to where one parent is in one part of the world, the other parent another. Military families face that often. And it seems prevalent in the mission community as well. Philippines largest export is its people. There are many "overseas foriegn workers" (OFW) here because many people obtain nursing degrees, move to the USA or Europe, get better pay as a nurse there and send money back to their family in the Philippines.
The taxi ride from the airport to our rental house reminded me again how much I have to be thankful for. I love this country and the people here. There are so many needs. The poverty is everywhere. But so are blessings, friends, deep faith in God's provision, and so much more that is hard to put into words.
It was good to see Kurt and James again. I've been catching up giving James hugs, kisses, and tickles.
Ben and James started back to school August 2nd. It was with mixed feelings of excitement and apprehension that James started school, and drudgery on Ben's part, except for sports and friends. Ben is a starter on the boys volleyball team.
I'm really enjoying teaching 10th grade Bible, a survey of the New Testament. I enjoy the study and preparation, I love my class of 19 tenth graders. They are so engaged, eager, and willing to learn. They ask great questions and have done well, overall, on their memory work and reflection papers. Hopefully soon I could post pictures of the class and me teaching. I just need to get my husband to come with me to class some morning!! But here are some of the materials I am using.
I'll tell more of what's been happening here in my next blog!