Still Unfolding.....

I am really enjoying Ann Voskamp's book "One Thousand Gifts" and also recieveing her daily blog posts at aholyexperience dot com.

Here is a quote from today's post....something God is teaching enjoy the moments....

"Still unfolding it: the only place to be fully alive is right here.

There are dishes in the sink (and I might add toys on the floor, piles of laundry to fold and iron, clothes to hang on the line, bread to bake, shopping to be done, etc....

I profane this moment when I don't stay in it.

Be all here: and be holy. Because the Presence of I AM
always fills the present moment.

When I am mindful of this moment, the mind fills with God
and the heart fills with peace, and joy-thanks fills the prayers,
and isn't the only way God can come to us is through the door
of this moment?


Joy, it's this snowflake on the sill --

living only here in this moment....

"Wherever you are, be all there." ~Jim Elliot