Sharing Blessings

During Vacation Bible School this past summer, our sending church in Michigan had collected many items for us to put in gift bags for children here.

We were able to share 60 gift bags this weekend with children at a "Birthday Party for Jesus" our friends, James and Jocy, had for children in a poor area where they hold weekly Children's Bible Club meetings.

We shared 31 gift bags the previous weekend with another Children's Bible Club James and Jocy run as well.

91 gift bags passed out and I'm already making plans for at least 120 bags for next year!

Thanks to everyone who helped by donating toys, toothbrushes, etc., or money for this venture!

Carrying in boxes of gift bags and two coolers with frozen juice bags for the kids.

A cute picture of Kirsten helping James walk down the path.

The kids waiting for the "Birthday Party for Jesus" to begin.

Another picture of the kids.

Mikayla, Kirsten, and Ben helping with a game that is sortof like the American pie eating contest. Each big bag held 10 small snack-size bags of treats. Each child on each team of 10 had to grab one of the treats and eat it quick. Which ever team ate all their treats first, won.

Kurt breaking a clay pot full of candies for the children to get. It reminded me of a pinata game.

This game is like bobbing for apples. A cocount shell is burned and cuts are made in it. Pesos are wedged in each cut. The children try to get a coin out with their teeth!

Mikayla, Kirsten, and Ben passing out gift bags.

Checking out the gifts!!!!