Medical Care / Pray for Ben

Wow, what an experience. I had to take Ben to a pediatrician as he has had problems with his stomach since we arrived. Still no verdict on what the cause is, though Ben says if he returned to Michigan his tummy would be happy again.
We arrived an hour and a half before the appointment so
Ben and I could go to the lab for blood work. A CBC and urinalysis cost about $4 US!!!! After an hour we went back to the lab to pick up results before going to the appointment. Here you can have lab work done without an order, tho I did have one yesterday from the receptionist at the doctor's office.
When the doctor arrived at her clinic ( a little room about 10 × 14 divided by a bookshelf - one half waiting and reception, other half doctors office/exam room) she prayed with all the people waiting in the waiting area asking God for wisdom and guidance in all she did and for each person to be blessed and receive the help they need.
How neat is that!!!

Anyway, keep Ben in your prayers as he often has stomach cramping and fevers that last just a little while.