
At the beginning of the new year, many people make a goal to lose weight and get fit. Well, one of my kids wanted me to blog about a major loss I had in 2010 in folowing with that sort of resolution.

It has been my goal for many years to get back to the weight I was when I married. So, turning 50 in 2010, along with a breast cancer scare, gave me the incentive I needed to change my lifestyle. I have switched to a mostly vegetarian diet and through eating healthier and exercising 3 - 5 times a week I lost over 40 pounds!!!!
Now, I continue to exercise and eat healthy, following the Joel Furhman "Eat To Live" program. I feel much better and healthier. Check out his book and website! http://www.drfuhrman.com/ ( "EAT TO LIVE" is the title of the book. It is an excellent resource on nutrition and recipes)

At the beginning of 2010, close to 170 pounds. I'm holding Jerard. Our
friend, Nancy, is showing off the lechon bread she bought - it looks like
a roasted pig! She brought it for the New Year party last year.

At the end of 2010, back to my marriage weight. On Christmas Day (12/25/10) Mikayla and I were goofing around in the kitchen.