Jerard's Surgery

I took Jerard to the neurosurgeon today for a checkup since his recent hospital stay.
The doctor strongly recommends that Jerard have a surgery soon due to the headaches that he is having and the half-paralysis on the left side of his body.
The surgery will install an additional drainage shunt into Jerard's brain which will relieve the high pressure on the right side of Jerard's brain. Without the shunt surgery, Jerard's prognosis is at best quite stunted and at worse a relatively short life.

We are looking at July 5 for the surgery to take place.

~Pray that Jerard stays healthy so he can have the surgery.
~Pray for the finances needed for this operation. All medical expenses here in the Philippines have to be paid in cash at the time of the service, unlike in the US where services can be rendered and paid for in the months that follow through insurance and payments.

Jerard, a few months ago, healthier and happier!