Sounds and sights of Christmas are all around in the Philippines. Christmas music starts playing in the malls September first and decorations go up with increasing lavishness as each "ber" month goes on in the Philippines. Now that it's November, the music is about 99% Christmas music in the malls. "Advanced Merry Christmas" is said frequently by clerks at stores and Filipino friends.
I'm preparing to have all the single teachers over for a USA Thanksgiving meal on November 23. I've done this every year here and it is quite fun. Even preparing is fun as turkeys are not always easy to find!
But all this holiday preparation, decorations, festive lighting has ignited a meloncholy of missing my daughters.
It's hard to be split apart from loved ones anytime, but the felt-angst deepens at the holiday times.
I am thankful for the true Light of the world, our loving Savior, counselor, and redeemer who is our high priest, " to sympathize with our weaknesses," I draw near Him to receive "mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4: 14 - 16)
He understands a mom's heart hurting from being apart from her young adult daughters. Both of them are doing well and I am thankful for that.
Just makes the holidays meloncholy to be apart.