Sunday it rained really hard.
it's not unusual for us to lose internet connection for a while after a hard thunder storm.
But we are on day four of no internet.
I'm at a local office using their internet to check emails, post my class assignments, etc.
Pray our internet comes back soon.
Our internet provider says the problem is fixed....but.....'s good to keep a sense of humour and go with the flow!!!!
Ben passed his testing for brown belt level 3 last night. Details and pictures to follow soon!
My first class at Regent on line is going well! I am so enjoying the study and reading.
Here's a picture of the books I have for the first two classes I am taking!

books and folder with class syllabus. Another book is on my
tablet reader.
Since moving in to the new rental house we've been blessed with starfruit from the tree in the front yard. Recently it's been fruiting heavily and we've been collecting 20 - 40 pieces of fruit daily. I looked up on line for recipes and now have much star fruit frozen in my freezer waiting to be made into jelly and jam!

James picking the fruit before it falls.
I've been researching about star fruit and found out some health benefits are: - it's low caloric - only 31 calories in 100 g of fruit. - it's high in dietary fiber.
-it contains good guantities of vitamin C. - it's rich in antioxidant phyto-nutrient polyphenolic flavonoids. - it's a good source of B-complex vitamins - it carries small amounts of minerals and electrolytes like potassium, phosphorus, and zinc and iron.

If you have starfruit in your area, try one of these tasty recipes!
Star Fruit Chips
2 firm-ripe yellow star fruit (½ pound)
2 cups sugar
2 cups water
Slice star fruit crosswise into thin slices (1/16th inch)
Bring sugar and water to boil in a 2-quart heavy saucepan, stirring until sugar is dissolved.
Add star fruti, remove from heat and let stand, uncovered for 15 minutes.
Pour star fruit into sieve set over a bowl and drain for 15 minutes.
Reserve drained syrup for making more star fruit chips. (can be frozen).
Put oven rack in middle position and preheat oven to 200 degrees F. Put paper liner, lightly greased, on a cookie sheet. Arrange slices in one layer. Bake until dry - about 1 - 1 ½ hours. Immediately transfer chips to rack to cool.
Thirty Minute Freezer Starfruit Jams
For every 8 oz of jam you will need
1 2/3 cup prepared fresh star fruit
Ball brand instant pectin
2/3 cup sugar
optional- 8 - 10 sprigs of thyme leaves removed or ½ to 1 whole jalapeno chopped, including the seeds
Stir the sugar and pectin in a medium bowl. Add the fruit and stir for a full 3 minutes. Ladle jam into clean freezer safe containers. Let sit for 30 minutes.
Then keep in the refrigerator for up three weeks or freeze it up to a year.
Star Fruit UpSide Down Cake
4 -5 star fruit, sliced and seeds removed
1/4 cup butter, melted
2/3 cup dark brown sugar
2 passion fruit, juiced ( use what you have, star fruit, citrus, etc)
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups cake flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 pinch salt
1/2 cup milk or 1/2 cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon almond extract
1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
2. Arrange sliced star fruit in bottom of a greased 9 inch cake pan as close together as possible.
3. Mix together 1/4 cup butter, brown sugar and passion fruit juice and pour into pan, turning so mixture covers bottom. Set aside.
4. Cream together 1/2 cup of butter and sugar. Add eggs, one at a time, beat well.
5. Mix together dry ingredients. Add flour mixture, alternately with milk, to butter mixture. Stir in vanilla and almond extracts.
6. Pour into prepared cake pan. Bake for approximately 30 minutes or until cake pulls away form sides of pan. Let cool for five minutes before inverting onto serving plate.
A while ago I blogged about working on goals. I just wanted to update you and let you know that I am starting a masters degree in Human Services Counseling on line with Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Class starts on line August 24th. I am so thankful for this opportunity to work on obtaining an M.A.

Below in information from the Regent University website about the degree I am pursuing. I plan to utilize this degree in member care on the mission field, where ever God leads us to serve.
"The M.A. in Human Services Counseling is designed to equip you with valuable counseling skills for use in ministry, missions or any other type of counseling career where you may practice counseling without a license. Our Master of Arts in Human Services Counseling provides training and practice in interpersonal skills using a biblical framework and helps you prepare to develop the spiritual and emotional well-being of those with whom you interact -- paving the way for a fulfilling career serving in the community and church.
The Master of Arts in Human Services Counseling degree is ideal for individuals who are not seeking to become full-time mental-health professionals but who frequently find themselves helping others and fulfilling the role of "counselor" -- such as teachers, emergency medical personnel, military personnel (especially senior enlisted service members), mentors, coaches and supervisors.
Master's in Human Services Counseling graduates will be able to:
Provide leadership in the integration of sound and ethical clinical practice, skills and techniques, and biblically based values. Promote the enhancement of accurate self-awareness and understanding. Encourage professional development through participation and leadership in professional organizations. Provide studies in the core areas of counseling knowledge and skills to include the following: human growth and development, social (family systems) and cultural foundations, helping relationships (including skills and techniques), group work, research and program evaluation, appraisal, career development, personality theories, and professional orientation and ethics. Provide studies in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders (addictions, psychopathology). Provide comprehensive supervised clinical experience in community agency and school settings."
- from the Regent website - -