Jerard June 7, 2010


I'm not sure what to tell you all.

He is no better. He seems a bit worse.

He has developed a hospital-induced staph infection which means he is now on two strong antibiotics.

He had 4 seizures early this a.m.

He had a CT scan today.

The shunts seems to be working but because of repeated episodes of fever spikes and seizures, the doctor is drawing off some ventrical fluid through one of his shunts to test the fluid for possible infection.

He has some blood in his stools which they think is from not eating and stress from the seizures. Hopefully today they will start him on Isomil. Yesterday, he had a nasogastric (ng) tube put in but because there was bloody discharge from his stomach they could not start feeding him. Today the fluids are much, much clearer. So pray they will start feeding him.

Keep him in your prayers.



...And Now A Word From Jerard....6/6/10


Thank you for praying for me.

Please keep it up.
I haven't had any seizures since yesterday around noon.

I'm in a room with all kinds of tubes and wires and beeps and people coming in and out.

Today my eyes were open more. My Mom said they were giving me blood. I really don't like the IV needle in my foot. I kept trying to kick at it but my Mom or someone put a blanket in the way so I couldn't.

I started lifting my right arm today and playing a little bit with my alphabet wheel. I like to spin it and hear it sing.

I cough a lot but it's phlegm. I don't eat on my own. My left side doesn't like to move much. Someone stuck a tube down my nose into my stomach to feed me Isomil. I can't wait til that comes out.
I was trying to pull that out too but the nurse tied a cloth to my arm and to the bed so I couldn't reach up to pull it out.

Keep me in your prayers, please. The doctors are happy to see me more awake today but I don't feel like moving much. Pray I don't have anymore seizures and that the medicines they want to give me orally will help me not have any.

I guess I'll be in the hospital a few more days. They want me to eat on my own but I have no desire even to suck on a sippy cup right now. I'm just really, really tired!


Jerard June 5 Update

As Kurt blogged earlier today, please continue to pray for Jerard.

Around 4a this morning he started having seizures again. He has had many of them today despite
some very strong anti convulsant medications being given to him. He is not responsive to us to much at all.
Around noon he was transferred back to the pediatric ICU unit.

He has no fever. His pneumonia is getting better.
This turn for the worse has been a surprise to all of us as he seemed so much better yesterday.
Two of the doctors had signed themselves off his case because they thought he'd be discharged today or tomorrow, but now they are back on the case. And at the moment it looks like it may be several days or longer before he is discharged.

While the first seizure the other day was classified as a 'febrile seizure' (due to a fever), this new round of seizures is indicative of a long-term seizure disorder developing.

It is not unusual for hydrocephalics or anyone with brain damage to develop a seizure disorder.

The doctors are amazed he went this long in his life without any seizures. Now they are trying to determine what combination of medicines will work best for controlling his seizures.

-Pray for wisdom for the doctors.
-Pray for Jerard.
-Pray for our family. This is a stressful time for all of us as we deal with many other issues along with Jerard's hospitalization and health issues.
-Pray for the finances we need to cover the cost of his medical care.

This morning, my Bible reading schedule included reading Psalm 93. I found it very encouraging to be reminded that He does reign, He ordains all, and in that we rest.

Thanks for your prayers,

In Christ, and for His Glory,


Psalm 93

1 The LORD reigns, he is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed in majesty and is armed with strength. The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved. 2 Your throne was established long ago; you are from all eternity. 3 The seas have lifted up, O LORD, the seas have lifted up their voice; the seas have lifted up their pounding waves. 4 Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea-- the LORD on high is mighty. 5 Your statutes stand firm; holiness adorns your house for endless days, O LORD.

This is the central message of the book of Psalms:
we encounter divine goodness in the midst of pain."

Cry of the Soul, page 244-5; Dr. Dan B. Allender and Dr. Tremper Longman

Jerard June 4 update

Jerard is very lethargic from the phenobarbital given him but he is improving. His fever is gone. He has pneumonia but it was caught early and is clearing up well.
Today he was transferred to a regular room. Hopefully within the next day or two he will be discharged.
Thanks for all your prayers for him. Please continue to pray for him and for our family.

Jerard Has Seizures Again

This morning at 3 am Jerard started having seizures again. He has had a number of seizures in the four hours since that time.

We don't know what that means yet, other than it is not good. We haven't talked with the doctors yet this morning.

Again, we would ask for your prayers.